Undoubtedly, one of the most important criteria in a smile is perfect white teeth. It is a method applied to lighten the colors of teeth that have changed color due to various reasons that greatly effect our social life. It is seperated into two groups as office and home bleaching.
Office Type Whitening: It is a simple and painless procedure that can be performed within 1 hour in the dentist's office. In this bleaching method, a high concentration of bleaching agent is used. Thus, the color of the teeth can be bleaching very quickly, often in a single session.High concentration does not harm the teeth at all.
Home Whitening: : It is a bleaching process that is applied by putting carbamide-peroxide-based gels into plastic mouthpieces specially prepared for the person with a simple measure taken from the mouth and that the person can easily apply at home. Desired whitening can be achieved in an average of 5-7 days.